Sunday, September 13, 2015


I have officially been to three continents now. Today I set foot in Asia for the first time. We were still in Turkey, but Turkey is a special country that crosses two continents. It is partially in Europe and partially in Asia. We ferried across the Dardanelles which was really cool on our way to the city of Troy. Here are some photos of the trip.

After we crossed the Dardanelles we headed to the legendary city of Troy. Now, there is not actually one Troy, there are nine. The archeologists think that Troy 6 or Troy 7 is the city of Priam from the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Romans actually came along later and built on the area as well so you have early Anatolian civilizations, Trojan, and Roman and Greek remains there.

After we were done in Troy we ferried back across to Europe and headed to Istanbul. We got to Istanbul and checked into our hotel for two nights. We had dinner and that's about all there was to the day. Tomorrow we will go see the city which is something I am super excited for as Istanbul is one of the cities that I really wanted to see. 

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