Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Introduction- San Francisco

Hey Everyone!

I'm writing this from the airport in San Francisco as I am about to embark on a 7 week trip that goes through a large part of Europe. I'm not going to list all the countries that I am going to because that would be a list and lists are boring, but I will post a picture of the map of my Contiki tour that shows all the stops on it.
For those I haven't told about the Contiki tour it is a 26 day tour that starts in Athens and ends in Amsterdam. I'll be camping during that time and taking a bus up through Eastern Europe. I'm super excited about seeing new places, some of which I have never heard of before.
That's all I'm going to write about for now, I hope to keep up with this pretty regularly and post pictures as well :) I'll talk to everyone later!
