Saturday, October 17, 2015

Travel Day- Bristol to Dublin

Similar to my last travel day, I relaxed at the hostel in the morning. I didn't think there was much more for me to see in Bristol and I didn't want to be late for my plane to Ireland so I relaxed. It is nice to have built in relaxation days and I haven't really had much time to relax on this trip so I'm getting kind of worn down because I am constantly moving. I'm not complaining because this trip has been amazing, but I have learned to appreciate the relaxation when I can get it.
The flight was only 45 minutes and I arrived in Dublin. I didn't get to see any of the city because I arrived at night time and I likely won't tomorrow as well because I have a 12 hour tour that starts early in the morning. Tomorrow, I will head on over to Cork and to see the Blarney Stone.

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